Hometown :
Blacksburg, VA
Favorite rivers :
New River, Alaska, Maine, Canada and Southern swamps
Favorite boats :
Pocket Canyon, Mallard, Adirondack, and eyeballing a Vertige Adventure.
Most memorable moment on water :
I’ve been fortunate to paddle all over the world, from Chile and Argentina to Alaska, self supporting the Grand Canyon, etc. But my most memorable experience on the water is probably flipping a raft in a whitewater canyon on an Alaskan river I was air-dropped into with my father on a self-guided fly fishing/hunting trip. We were 3-days into a 5 day float before another air pick up. I saved Dad’s life, salvaged what gear I could, and self-rescued out with oars I made from forked trees with stuff sacks over the fork. Made the pick up location and flew back to Anchorage and straight to a bar.