Hometown :
Sherbrooke, Quebec.
Favorite rivers :
My favourite river is called Keybrook. In the Eastern Townships, this narrow river is practicable only in the spring or after a heavy rain. Composed of class II to IV rapids, a few ledge’s and one waterfall, it offers several challenges throughout its 11 km between Hamel Road and Highway 55.
Favorite boats :
I paddle a L’Edge as well as a L’Edge’ND for the sports rivers and a Mistral for the canoe-camping trips.
Most memorable moment on water :
I can’t be considered as my favourite river because I paddled only once, but I really like the « Haute Malbaie » river into « Zec des Martres » and will remain in my memory all my life. With three other good canoeist friends, we paddled the river with a map. We were all at our first on this section of 7km, composed of fast R-III @ R-V, several ledges and 3 waterfalls including one of 10m (33 feet). The proximity of each rapids makes the descent quite intense. The shuttle in a very rugged path is just as much part of the memorable experience.
Malbaie: https://youtu.be/1cZYZU8v_C0