Hometown :
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada – but Missinipe, Northern Saskatchewan most of the time.
Favorite rivers :
Choosing a favourite is nearly impossible, but the Fond-du-lac River, Porcupine River and Tazin Rivers are my top 3 and all in Northern Saskatchewan. For play spots, Petawawa River town section in Ontario, or doing laps on the Tellico River, Tennessee are tops, but so are the glassy smooth surf’s on Naomi’s Wave and Surf City at Barker Lake on the Churchill River, Northern Saskatchewan.
Favorite boats :
Definitely the L’Edge for having fun on the river and getting my fix as a whitewater junkie. That being said, I get no greater thrill than dialing-in a line fully loaded in expedition-mode hundreds of kilometres from the nearest road in my 17ft Prospecteur, with my fly rod sticking out the stern!
Most memorable moment on water :
running my first waterfall of my life (Pozo Azul, Costa Rica) and asking if I could run it without scouting it, and then being convinced by my American friends to run the 3rd waterfall of my life (Bald River Falls, Tennessee), which was a class III drop with a class VI portage up it over what was essentially an icefall.