Hometown :
Buffalo, New York.
Favorite rivers :
With so many different types, it’s hard to pick just one! For low volume steep microcreeking the Little Chautauqua Creek in western New York is a thrilling treat that’s rare to catch, while the mighty Ottawa has a much different character so it’s just as rewarding. The boulder gardens of the Upper Youghiogheny in Maryland provide an incredibly scenic and exciting run. I also have a few favorites in the Adirondacks. I’m looking forward to returning to the crystal clear, action packed rivers of Alabama. They would be favorites too if they weren’t so far away from home.
Favorite boats :
The L’Edge Superlite was a game changer for me. It allows me to easily carry my canoe, catch eddys, and make the moves I want to make while still offering the stability of the original L’Edge. While I’ve only had a couple of runs in the new Zephyr XL tandem, they’ve been amazing! It’s an agile beast that truly soars!
Most memorable moment on water :
Conquering a nemesis, I’ve had a couple of rapids where I repeatedly failed to hit my line and would get worked over both in the swims and the ensuing head games. The sweet relief that comes with hard-fought success still brings smiles years later. The demolition derby of Aint Louie Fest’s Upper Tellico race is also an unforgettable experience.