T-Formex Lite

T-Formex Lite is HERE!

Why T-Formex Lite

At Esquif, we continually strive to show the paddling community that we are committed to constant innovation and a commitment to making their overall paddling experience better. While our canoes are designed for many uses, we understand not everyone requires the extreme durability of traditional T-Formex. T-Formex Lite is a NOT a cheapening of the material, rather a reoptimization of where the material is placed for each model. We also looked at every component to see where we could achieve weight reduction…. And WE DID IT! Paddlers fully grasp the difference between a 65 and a 55 lb canoe and all indications, they are excited about this development

Which Material is Right for Me?

When deciding which canoe to buy, it simply comes down to what type of trip you are planning, and what you value most. If you are looking for ultra durability and reliability for an extreme trip… you may want to choose T-Formex. If you want your boat to be a bit lighter on your portages, and loading and unloading, but still want a super tough canoe, then T-Formex Lite might be a better choice. As you can see by the chart…. Ultimately they are both high performance materials, each excelling in specific areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is T-Formex Lite thinner material?

Yes and no… the real success with this system is we have thinned the material in areas where the canoe really doesn’t need to be thicker, however in high impact areas the material is thicker to handle very tough conditions

2. What are the weight savings?

As a rule we have been able to reduce the overall weight of our traditional T-Formex models by about 20%. The new 17’ Huron came in at 55 lbs!!!

3. Is the boat still tough and reliable for difficult trips?

YES.. You will notice little difference in the abrasion and overall toughness

4. Which Models Will Be Available?

We are in the process of still determining which models will be rolled out for 2025. Currently the exciting new 55 lb – Huron 17 and the Canyon are being manufactured and are available.

5. Can T-Formex Lite be patched/repaired?

YES… you will use the same process as traditional T-Formex.

6. Will there be more flex when paddling?

You may notice a bit more flex, however that is because we looked at every component to see where we could achieve weight savings…. However you can be assured the canoe will still paddle exceptionally well.

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